The BulkReservationValidator enables developers to validate one or more series of Reservations. It will return all the soft and hard conflicts that would arise, given the current configuration. For more information on how to configure conflict checking, see this article.
Inner Classes
B25__Resource__c resource = [SELECT Id FROM B25__Resource__c WHERE Name = 'Resource One'];
B25__Staff__c staffMember = [SELECT Id FROM B25__Staff__c WHERE Name = 'Staff Member One'];
// first construct the context parameter
B25.BulkReservationValidator.Context context = new B25.BulkReservationValidator.Context();
context.reservationSeries = new List<List<B25.BulkReservationValidator.Reservation>>{
new List<B25.BulkReservationValidator.Reservation>{
new B25.BulkReservationValidator.Reservation(
new B25__Reservation__c(
B25__StartLocal__c = Datetime.newInstance(2020, 1, 1, 8, 0, 0),
B25__EndLocal__c = Datetime.newInstance(2020, 1, 1, 10, 0, 0),
B25__Resource__c = resource.Id,
B25__Staff__c = staffMember.Id
new B25.BulkReservationValidator.Reservation(
new B25__Reservation__c(
B25__StartLocal__c = Datetime.newInstance(2020, 2, 2, 14, 0, 0),
B25__EndLocal__c = Datetime.newInstance(2020, 2, 2, 16, 0, 0),
B25__Resource__c = resource.Id,
B25__Staff__c = staffMember.Id
// then call the method
// the reservations in the context parameter now have soft and hard conflicts
for (B25.BulkReservationValidator.Reservation reservation : context.reservationSeries[0]) {
System.debug('number of soft conflicts: ' + reservation.softConflicts.size());
System.debug('number of hard conflicts: ' + reservation.hardConflicts.size());