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Configure Adyen

GoMeddo PaymentsThe configuration of Adyen in GoMeddo Payments is a two part process

  1. First you need to provide GoMeddo with the credentials for your adyen account.

  2. GoMeddo will come back to you with your account and payment provider id. Then you can setup the webhook.

Provide the api key

  1. Login to your Adyen dashboard

  2. Go to “Developers”, this should be in the sidebar

  3. On the left sidebar click “API credentials”

  4. Click on “Create Credential”

  5. Press save

  6. Generate new api key

  7. Copy the generated key and press save api key

  8. Create a secure note with your publishable key and merchant account name via Cryptex (Note: The generated link is valid once. Do not open it once generated)

    1. If you already have a account for GoMeddo Payments please also include the account id

  9. Share the Cryptex link with GoMeddo

  10. You will receive your account id and provider id along with the confirmation that your adyen account is configured. Now continue with setting up the webhook

Setup the webhook

You can only do this step once you have gotten your account id and provider id from GoMeddo

  1. Login to your Adyen dashboard

  2. Go to “Developers”, this should be in the sidebar

  3. On the left sidebar click “Webhooks”

  4. Click “+ Webhook”

  5. Add the standard notification

  6. In the URL field specify the following url (replace <account id> and <provider id> with your values):<account id>/provider/<provider id>/callbacks

  7. Select the active checkbox

  8. Fill in the authentication

    1. Username: test

    2. Password: test

  9. Save the configuration

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