Enables developers to create a recurring series of Reservations. It only creates Reservations, and does not insert or validate them. To validate the reservations, you can call BulkReservationValidator.
Inner Classes
This example shows how you can use the class in your own code.
B25.RecurringReservations.Context context = new B25.RecurringReservations.Context();
// create a prototype that will be used to create the new reservations
context.prototype = new B25__Reservation__c(
B25__Startlocal__c =,
B25__EndLocal__c =,
B25__Resource__c = 'xxxxxxxxx', // fill in a Resource Id here (or choose a different dimension, like B25__Staff__c)
B25__Title__c = 'Sample Reservation',
B25__Reservation_Type__c = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'); // fill in a Reservation Type Id here
// the following settings will create a series of 7 reservations, starting today
context.recurringReservation = new B25__Recurring_Reservation__c(
B25__Start_date__c =,
B25__End_date__c =,
B25__Recurrence_Type__c = 'DAILY',
B25__Repeat_Interval__c = 1,
B25__End_Condition__c = 'NUMBER_OF_RESERVATIONS',
B25__Number_Of_Reservations__c = 7);
// skip any periods that the chosen Resource is unavailable
context.skipUnavailabilityDimensions = new Set<String>{'B25__Resource__c'};
// generate the resulting reservations and insert them
B25.RecurringReservations.Result result = B25.RecurringReservations.generateRecurringReservationSeries(context);
insert result.reservations;