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Send Email with ICS Attachment

This component is available as an element in flows, and allows emails with ICS attachments to be sent out for Reservations or Reservation Contacts. It is designed for sending contacts their new or changed reservation information, and making it easy for them to add it as an event in their personal calendar.

Adding the element to your flow

Click the plus icon in between two flow elements to add a new element. Type ‘ics’ to quickly bring up the Send Email with ICS Attachment element.


Configuring the element

After adding the element, give it a required name and label (and optionally a description). Then proceed to fill out the four configuration sections, detailed below.


Reservation Data

First select your reservation data. These can be either Reservations or Reservation Contacts. Single records or ids are also allowed.

For each record in the reservation data, one email with ICS attachment will be sent

These records are used to generate the ICS attachments and getting the recipient emails. If you are using an email template with a Reservation(Contact) as a related entity, the reservation data records will also be used to populate the template’s merge fields.


We are aware that results from ‘get records’ elements are not always shown in the dropdown. This might be due to Salesforce caching issues. We hope to be able to resolve this in a future release. For now the workaround is to assign the ‘get records’ result to a variable.

Email Body

Next, select either an email template or enter a subject and a body. If a template is selected, the subject and body will be ignored.



Next, select which fields in your reservation data contain the email recipients. These must be lookups to Contacts, Leads or Users. The first recipient field is required. If you are using a template with recipient merge fields, the record in this lookup will be used to resolve those merge fields.



Finally (and optionally), select an org wide email address to use as the sender of the emails. If empty, the email address of the user executing the flow will be used.


For more information on org wide email addresses, see:

ICS field mappings

The ICS attachment use the following fields from the Reservation record:

ICS field

Reservation field

Event start


Event end


Event title


Event location


When sending emails for ReservationContacts, the fields from the parent Reservation will be used.

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