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Component Reference

This article lists the components available for use in your organization.

Page Components

App Pages

Record Pages


Vertical Calendar

Displays a vertical calendar, with times on the vertical axis and either dates or dimensions (depending on config) on the horizontal axis.

Horizontal Calendar

Displays a horizontal calendar, with times and dates on the horizontal axis as column headers, and dimension records on the vertical axis as row headers.

Mobile Calendar

Vertical calendar for a single record, optimized for mobile use.

Standalone Reservation Form

Displays a reservation form.



Bar graph displaying the occupancy for this record or child records.

Time Slot Picker (for record pages)


Allows users to find available time slots for a reservation.

Publish Related Templates


Publishes reservation templates related to a B25__Schedule__c record.

Most of the calendar components are also covered in Add a Calendar to a page.

For additional capabilities, some calendar components can be wrapped inside your own Aura components. See Wrapping Calendar Components.

Record-Specific Components

Available On


Recurring Reservation


Manage recurrence of a reservation



Schedule planner



Plan multiple schedules

Hover Definition Editor


Component that allows you to configure hover definitions.

Reservation Title Editor


Component that allows you to add and reorder Reservation Titles.

Flow Components

Send Email with ICS Attachment - Allows emails with ICS attachments to be sent out for Reservations or Reservation Contacts. See: Send Email with ICS Attachment

Reservation time slot picker - Allows users to quickly find available time slots for the supplied reservation and returns a reservation with the times set. Time Slot Picker (for flows)

Single dimension time slot picker - Allows users to quickly find available time slots for the supplied resources and returns a reservation. See: Time Slot Picker (for record pages) | Using-the-Time-Slot-Picker-in-a-Screen-Flow

Record picker - Allows users to chose between records. Record Picker (for flows)

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