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Code Sample Library

This article will give you a few useful examples on how you can leverage the custom form logic feature. Other articles on this topic:

Detailed Code Samples

This section contains a few detailed code samples intended as tutorials to give you more guidance:

Quick and Dirty Code Samples

This section contains some quick examples without much explanation, intended to give you some more ideas of what is possible.

Add the Account name to all Contact searches

This example adds the Account name to each Contact appearing in the Contact lookup and Contact related list.

global class MyFormLogic implements B25.Form.Customizer {
    global void customize(B25.Form form) {
        form.getLookup(B25__Reservation__c.B25__Contact__c).onSearch(new ContactSearchHandler());
        form.getRelatedList(B25__ReservationContact__c.SObjectType).onSearch(new ContactSearchHandler());
    global class ContactSearchHandler extends B25.SearchHandler {
        global override B25.SearchResultCollection getSearchResults(B25.SearchContext searchContext) {
            searchContext.setMetaTemplate('{0}', new List<String>{'Account.Name'});
            return searchContext.getDefaultResults();
Immediately add all group members as reservation contacts when selecting a group.
global with sharing class MyFormLogic implements B25.Form.Customizer {
    global void customize(B25.Form form) {
        // Trigger MyGroupHandler when the Group field changes
        form.getField(B25__Reservation__c.B25__Group__c).onUpdate(new MyGroupHandler());
    global with sharing class MyGroupHandler extends B25.FormEventHandler {
        global override void handleEvent(B25.FormEvent event, B25.Form form) {
            // Get all members that belong to the group
            Id newGroupId = (Id) event.getNewValue();
            List<B25__Group_Membership__c> groupMembers = [SELECT B25__Contact__c FROM B25__Group_Membership__c WHERE B25__Group__c = :newGroupId];

            // Loop through the members and add the contact to the reservation contacts
            for(B25__Group_Membership__c groupMember : groupMembers){
                B25__ReservationContact__c reservationContact = new B25__ReservationContact__c();
                reservationContact.B25__Contact_Lookup__c = groupMember.B25__Contact__c;
            //This updates the quantity of the reservation to the amount of contacts in the group 
Add an extra option to the reservation contact search that adds all contacts linked to the selected account as reservation contacts
global class ReservationContactAddedHandler extends B25.FormEventHandler {
    global override void handleEvent(B25.FormEvent event, B25.Form form) {
        B25__Reservation__c reservation = form.getReservation();
        if (reservation.B25__Account__c == null || event.getNewValue() != 'all-contacts') {
        for (Contact contact : [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE AccountId = :reservation.B25__Account__c]) {
        	form.getRelatedList(B25__ReservationContact__c.SObjectType).addRecord(new B25__ReservationContact__c(
            	B25__Contact_Lookup__c = contact.Id
global class ReservationContactSearchHandler extends B25.SearchHandler {
	global override B25.SearchResultCollection getSearchResults(B25.SearchContext searchContext) {
    	B25.SearchResultCollection searchCollection = searchContext.getDefaultResults();
        B25.SearchResultCollection updatedCollection = new B25.SearchResultCollection();
        if (searchContext.getForm().getReservation().B25__Account__c != null) {
                new B25.SearchResult('all-contacts', 'Add all contacts linked to current account')
        return updatedCollection;
Update the status to the status with the same name as the reservation title
global class ReservationTitleUpdateHandler extends B25.FormEventHandler {
    global override void handleEvent(B25.FormEvent event, B25.Form form) {
        String newTitleValue = (String) event.getNewValue();
        List<B25__Reservation_Status__c> matchingStatus = [SELECT Id FROM B25__Reservation_Status__c WHERE Name = :newTitleValue];
        if (!matchingStatus.isEmpty()) {
Remove all reservation contacts if the account field is cleared
global class ReservationAccountChangeHandler extends B25.FormEventHandler {
    global override void handleEvent(B25.FormEvent event, B25.Form form) {
        String newAccountValue = (Id) event.getNewValue();
        if (String.isBlank(newAccountValue)) {
            for(B25.RelatedListItem item : form.getRelatedList(B25__ReservationContact__c.SObjectType).getItems()) {
Set all reservation contacts to checked in if the status is set to completed
global class ReservationStatusChangeHandler extends B25.FormEventHandler {
    global override void handleEvent(B25.FormEvent event, B25.Form form) {
        Id newStatus = form.getReservation().B25__Status__c;
        List<B25__Reservation_Status__c> reservationStatus = [SELECT Id, Name FROM B25__Reservation_Status__c WHERE id = :newStatus];
        if (reservationStatus.isEmpty()) {
        if (reservationStatus[0].Name == 'Completed') {
            for(B25.RelatedListItem item : form.getRelatedList(B25__ReservationContact__c.SObjectType).getItems()) {
        } else {
            for(B25.RelatedListItem item : form.getRelatedList(B25__ReservationContact__c.SObjectType).getItems()) {
Adds the reservation contact back into the list when removed if the contact is the same as the selected contact on the reservation
global class ReservationContactRemoveHandler extends B25.FormEventHandler {
    global override void handleEvent(B25.FormEvent event, B25.Form form) {
        B25__ReservationContact__c removedReservationContact = (B25__ReservationContact__c) form.getRelatedList(B25__ReservationContact__c.SObjectType).getItemByGuid(event.getGuid()).getRecord();
        if (form.getReservation().B25__Contact__c == removedReservationContact.B25__Contact_Lookup__c) {
Randomise the icons on the resource lookup search results
global class ResourceLookupSearchHandler extends B25.SearchHandler {
    global override B25.SearchResultCollection getSearchResults(B25.SearchContext searchContext) {
        B25.SearchResultCollection searchCollection = searchContext.getDefaultResults();
        for (B25.SearchResult result : searchCollection.getSearchResults()) {
        return searchCollection;
    private String getRandomIconName() {
        return 'custom:custom' + String.valueOf(Math.Round(Math.Random() * (113-1) + 1));
Set the title of any newly created reservation to New Reservation
global class FormInitHandler extends B25.FormEventHandler {
    global override void handleEvent(B25.FormEvent event, B25.Form form) {
        if (form.getReservation().Id == null) {
        	form.getField(B25__Reservation__c.B25__Title__c).updateValue('New Reservation');   
Toggle the checked in checkbox based on if the notes field contains checked in or checked out
global class ReservationContactNotesChangeHandler extends B25.FormEventHandler {
    global override void handleEvent(B25.FormEvent event, B25.Form form) {
        String newNotesValue = (String) event.getNewValue();
        if (!String.isBlank(newNotesValue)) {
            if (newNotesValue.containsIgnoreCase('Checked In')) {
            } else if (newNotesValue.containsIgnoreCase('Checked Out')) {
Display two contact names linked to the account as meta text on the search result
global class AccountLookupSearchHandler extends B25.SearchHandler {
    global override B25.SearchResultCollection getSearchResults(B25.SearchContext searchContext) {
        B25.SearchResultCollection collection = new B25.SearchResultCollection();
        for (Account account : [SELECT Id, Name, (SELECT Name FROM Contacts LIMIT 2) FROM Account LIMIT 20]) {
            List<String> metaTextArray = new List<String>();
            for (Contact contact : account.Contacts) {
            collection.addSearchResult(new B25.SearchResult(account.Id, account.Name).setMetaText(String.join(metaTextArray, ', ')));
        return collection;
If the status of the reservation is "completed" hide the title field, otherwise show
global with sharing class MyFormLogic implements B25.Form.Customizer {
    global void customize(B25.Form form) {
        // This is where we will add our handlers to the form
        form.getField(B25__Reservation__c.B25__Status__c).onUpdate(new MyStatusHandler());

    global with sharing class MyStatusHandler extends B25.FormEventHandler {
        global override void handleEvent(B25.FormEvent event, B25.Form form) {
            Id newStatusId = (Id) event.getNewValue();
            B25__Reservation_Status__c status = [
                SELECT Name
                FROM B25__Reservation_Status__c
                WHERE Id = :newStatusId

            if (status.Name == 'Completed') {
            } else {
Copy the title to all other reservations on the form

For this example you need to have multi-selection enabled on the Calendar, so the form can display multiple reservations.

global with sharing class DefaultForm implements B25.Form.Customizer {

	global void customize(Form form) {
		form.getField(B25__Reservation__c.B25__Title__c).onUpdate(new CopyFieldHandler());

	global class CopyFieldHandler extends B25.FormEventHandler {
		global override void handleEvent(B25.FormEvent event, B25.Form form) {
			B25.FormRecord activeRecord = form.getActiveRecord();
			Object titleValue = activeRecord.get(B25__Reservation__c.B25__Title__c);
			if (form.hasParentRecord()) {
				B25.FormRecord parentRecord = form.getParentRecord();
				if (parentRecord != activeRecord) {
					parentRecord.put(B25__Reservation__c.B25__Title__c, titleValue);
			if (form.hasChildRecords()) {
				for (FormRecord childRecord : form.getChildRecords()) {
					if (childRecord != activeRecord) {
						childRecord.put(B25__Reservation__c.B25__Title__c, titleValue);
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