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When you have performed the actions in the Set up Zoom App step, you need to authenticate the Zoom App you just created from Salesforce, it requires you to perform a few easy steps to authenticate.

1. Auth provider

To set up an Auth. provider in Salesforce, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Salesforce

  2. Go to Setup > Auth. Providers

  3. Add a new provider and choose "Open ID Connect" as the type.

  4. Go back to Zoom > App Credentials section and copy the Client ID and Client Secret for the next step

  5. Give the record a name and enter the Client ID copied from the Zoom app into the Consumer Key field.

  6. Add the Client Secret to the Consumer Secret field.

  7. Use the following URL for the authenticate URL:

  8. Use the following URL for the token URL:

  9. Ensure that "Send client credentials in header" is checked.

  10. Save the record.

2. External Credential

  1. Go to Setup > Named credentials

  2. Navigate to the External Credentials tab

  3. Give it a recognisable name and label, and choose OAuth 2.0 as the protocol

  4. Then add scope: meeting:write:admin

  5. Choose the Authentication Provider from the previous step

  6. Save

  7. Scroll down to Principals list

  8. Click New

  9. Fill in a Parameter Name

  10. Leave the Sequence Number as-is

  11. Make sure the Identity Type is set to Named Principal

  12. Click save

  13. Scroll down to the Principals list again. Click on the down arrow under Actions and press Authenticate:

  14. Press Allow

  15. Then Salesforce will inform you that it was successful.

3. Named Credential

  1. Go to Setup > Named Credentials

  2. Click New under Named Credentials (not External Credentials this time)

  3. Add a Label and add GoMeddoZoom as name.

  4. Add to the URL field

  5. Add the External Credentials "GoMeddo Zoom" and include "GMZoom" as the Allowed Namespaces.

  6. Click Save

4. Map Principal to Permission Set

  1. Go to Setup > Permission Sets

  2. Select an existing Permission Set, or create a new one. This Permission Set will make sure that Reservations created by users contain a Zoom link.

  3. Within the Permission Set, go to External Credential Principal Access

  4. Click Edit

  5. Select the Principal from the previous step in the left column, and add it to the right column

  6. Click Save

Make sure to assign this Permission Set to any user that should generate Zoom links for Reservations they create!

Now proceed to section Set the meeting url using a flow

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